Illinois Secretary of State Elections

Illinois Secretary of State Elections

Getty Images It will be the end of an era in Illinois in 2019. Secretary of State Jesse White will not run for reelection again, he announced at the Illinois State Fair Thursday. Reading White s impressive resume will exhaust you. Not only is he the longest…

Elections States

Elections States

Fewer state legislative elections were hotly contested between Democrats and Republicans in 2014 than at any time in the last 40 years, according to a new study that offered more evidence of a historically polarized electorate. The analysis of election…

2008 Election by State

2008 Election by State

2008 Electoral College Results Election President Barack Obama [D] Main Opponent John McCain [R] Electoral Vote* Winner: 365 Main Opponent: 173 Total/Majority: 538/270 Popular Vote** Winner: 69, 297, 997 Main Opponent: 59, 597, 520 Vice President Joe…

SGA Elections k State

SGA Elections k State

Everyday, we go to class, see our friends, enjoy the tweets of @kstate_pres, and do our best to get an education in the process. Often, I think students wonder what sort of decisions our leaders in Anderson Hall make on a daily basis – decisions that…